In a world filled with images of the "perfect" body, remember that your body is perfect just as it is. This summer, let's shift the focus from how our bodies look to how they feel. It's about enjoying the warmth of the sun, the coolness of the water, and the joy of movement without self-judgment.

Look, we’ve all been there. We’re looking pale and not feeling fit. We start criticizing our bodies and how they look in jeans, a bikini or that tight dress. Then, we have a mini panic attack about it. 

There are times when it’s not easy. We have days where self-doubt and self-criticism creeps in. But those are the moments where we have to challenge our thoughts and remind ourselves to celebrate what makes us, us. We all have to recognize our unique beauty. Every freckle, roll, curve, dimple and scar tells the story of what our bodies have gone through and are signs of our strength and resilience. 

By shifting our focus from societal expectations to self-acceptance, we can begin to see our bodies not as objects to be scrutinized, but as vessels that carry us through life's adventures. Embracing self-love and body positivity means appreciating our bodies for all they do, and treating them with kindness and care.

By cultivating a positive relationship with our bodies, we not only build our confidence but also inspire others to do the same. Self-love is a journey, not a destination, and we will be there in every step of your journey. At Vavica, we’re here to support you in building a community and providing bodycare products that make you feel good (& smell good!). My sisters and I will always treat you like you’re part of our familia, hyping you up and making you feel empowered.

Con amor,

Valentina, Victoria & Camila